Despite the drenching rains received very early last Saturday morning, 38 teams were able to hit the track for the first practice of the season at Flat Rock Speedway. Thank you to all of you who waded through the water and kept right on going to complete the 5-hour practice session.
Next Flat Rock practice day this Saturday, April 30: As you know, our area has received a bunch of rain (and snow) over the past 30 days. The wet weather has the entire grounds and the pit area soft in several areas. We will place cones where you should not park. When you leave for the day, back out of your spot. IF you are not sure, don’t go there!! Only 1 rig got stuck last Saturday!
Pits: 9 a.m. Tech: 9:15 a.m. Practice: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pit passes are $20 each.
*At the completion of practice, please load your car and make your way out of the pit area. The annual Flea Market is Sunday, so we will be setting up for that immediately following practice. Thank you in advance for your help with this.
Flat Rock pit pad parking: We have pads still available for rent for the season. NOTE: on race day, if you have not paid for a pad, do not park on a pad. Nightly rentals are $20 per event. See Mike Tausch to get a parking pad on race days. IF you have not contacted Scott about your pad renewal, you may lose your spot….734-782-2480 or see him Saturday at the track.
The final Flat Rock pre-season practice is Wednesday, May 4; pits open at 3:30, practice 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
TOLEDO PRACTICE DAY: is Wednesday, May 11; pits open at 3:30, practice 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Clarification: Race teams are allowed to use used tires or tires that were not used in 2021. We are recording serial numbers for 2022 to confirm tires were purchased from the track.
Used Tires: we are taking used 3035, 3045 and D800’s ONLY (at Flat Rock only). Check in with Brian or Denny before you put tires in the storage trailer. The tires must be able to hold air.
Check the web pages and facebook for a complete time schedule for both tracks through the first 2 races at each facility.
If you can, get to a practice, go through tech and get some laps. We will not wait on either opening day for you to get through these things before practice/qualifying.
W9 Forms: please complete a W9 now; a copy must be on file for ALL drivers prior to payoff.
Sponsor decals, race procedure, contingency program list, payoff: are all available in the tech barns at each track.
Thank you for working with us on all matters as we navigate this crazy world and get ready to start the season. Questions? Call the tracks, leave a message if we don’t answer. Due to staffing shortages, we may not be in the office when you call…thanks, see you at the tracks!