Figure 8 Train Races Ready To Roll
Figure 8 Train Races Ready To Roll

(Toledo, Ohio - May 17, 2011) - 2 cars chained together…the front one has the engine, the back one has the brakes! It’s Figure 8 Train racing at Flat Rock and Toledo Speedways. The 2011 Train races are ready to go, starting with the Friday night, May 27 event at Toledo Speedway.
A total of 6 train races are on the calendar, with 4 events at Toledo and 2 at Flat Rock Speedway. The May 27 contest is part of the Burge Wrecking Night of Destruction at Toledo, featuring School Bus Figure 8’s, the Train Figure 8, Boat Figure 8 (yes, boats on trailers pulled by race cars), a Street Stock Figure 8, plus a Street Stock oval feature, a backup race, plywood race and race car bowling.
The remaining dates are Saturday, June 18 at Flat Rock;
Friday, July 15 at Toledo; back to Flat Rock
Saturday, August 6, and then to Toledo
for a pair of Friday night shows August 19 and September 2.
A special husband/wife Train Figure 8 race is scheduled for Saturday, September 24 at Toledo. This will be the first event of its kind, pairing couples for this wild event!
The rules are very simple for the Train Figure 8 races; stock, 4 cylinder front-engine cars, a hoop style roll bar and safety equipment. In laymen’s terms; “Stock is what is acceptable. These are cars we race, not race cars.”
Entry blanks are available by calling either track office at 734-782-2480 (Flat Rock) or 419-727-1100 (Toledo). The entry may also be downloaded from the track websites at or
Weekly Friday night racing continues at Toledo through September 2, with special events in September and October. Flat Rock Speedway racing is set for Saturday nights through September 17.