Flat Rock, Toledo Speedway Bulletin

(March 21, 2011) - This is the final of our winter bulletins.  All bulletins are posted on the site...no direct mail.  Flat Rock office will open April 14.  Toledo phone number is 419-727-1100.  Please share this bulletin with those who do not use the computer!

DIVISION SPONSORS/:  FIGURE 8 DIVISION:  We welcome Parts Galore as the Figure 8 division title sponsor at both tracks; R & M Recycling for the Toledo Street Stocks, ACME Distmantling for the Toledo Sportsman. They join  Moran Chevrolet (Flat Rock Late Models), DTS Drive Train Specialists (Flat Rock Street Stocks) and Jeff's Collision (4 Cylinders) as 2011 division sponsors.   Allegiant Air returns as the presenting sponsor of the Late Model Gold Cup, but we are still working on a LM Gold Cup sponsor as of this bulletin.....

FLAT ROCK LATE MODELS:  IF we get rained out of the April 30 opener, the LM's will race on the May 7 date.

PAD RENTALSHave been mailed out-Deadline is April 10.  We WILL ENFORCE THE DEADLINE.  If you do not make any effort to contact us about this....kinda hard to work with you!  2010 renters will have right of first refusal, but must be paid by the due date or you lose your pad.  A waiting list is being compiled at Flat Rock-call us if you have not done so yet to get on the list. 

15 year old competitors:  As announced March 10, ARCA will now permit 15 year olds to compete in Street Stock, 4 Cylinder and Enduro class.  They must be pre-approved prior to a race.  Questions, please call us.

TIRES:  LM tires: $127.50 each; Sportsman tires:  $102.50 each.  ALL TIRES MUST BE PURCHASED through ARCA at the tracks or at the ARCA office.  All bar codes are being recorded.....this does not apply to used tires.  It's pretty easy when we see new tires on a car, but you have never been invoiced for any!  Buy here, pay here, run here.  It's very simple.  **Tires available at ARCA office beginning April 4; at the 2 tracks on Thursday, April 14.  Remember, Thursday is tire buying day at both tracks....along with race day...

CONTINGENCY AWARDS:  Five Star Race Car Bodies and Penske Shocks have agreed to renew their programs with both tracks for the 2011 season.

SUNOCO RACING FUELNEW AWARD!  Purchasers of fuel on designated nights will have a chance to win $50 in a random drawing on each of those nights!  It will include drum purchases and purchases made during the week leading up to and on that particular race night.  Cash Awards will also be given out at the banquet.  For those of you that buy drums of fuel, we now have a program in place-call today to get information on ordering drums of fuel!  Call Scott at 419-727-1100.

RACECEIVERS:  We still have a few left at the deal price of $90 each.  Call Scott to order yours.

TOLEDO pre-season practice session is Sunday, May 1, from Noon to 5 p.m., pits open at 10 a.m.  Friday night opener is May 6. 

FR pre-season practices:  Saturday, April 23, noon to 5, pits open at 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 27, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., pits open at 4.  Saturday night opener is April 30.

FR TIMES FOR APRIL 30 OPENER:  Pits will open at 1:30, practice at 3 (special times for opener); time trials at 5, racing at 7.  When LM's run:  pits 2, 3:30, 5 and 7 are times: when no LM's:  pits at 3, 4 is practice, 5:30 time trials, race at 7.  We're trying to save everyone some time being at the track.  We may adjust things accordingly as the season goes on.

TOLEDO TIMES FOR MAY 6 OPENER:  Pits at 3, practice at 4:30, (for opening day only), time trials 6, racing at 7:30 p.m.  Rest of season for weekly shows:  pits at 3:30, practice at 5, time trials at 6:15, race at 7:30.

STREET STOCKS/FACTORY STOCKS:  As announced in August, the Toledo Factory Stock division will be merged with the Street Stocks and will run under that name.  Factory Stocks in current form may run at Toledo ONLY for 2011, 2012 seasons and will weigh minimum of 3000 lbs.  In 2013, all cars will be Street Stock legal.  Street Stocks can now run at Toledo and Flat Rock.  Toledo purse for this class will be announced no later than March.

Car Numbers:  As always, we will try to work with everyone....We are working with the issue of duplicate numbers with the merging of the Factory Stocks with the Street Stocks.  Call Scott if you have a question.  We will hold your 2010 number for first 3 weeks of the season...you can call if you will be out later in the season and we will work with you.  No communication makes it very difficult...stay in touch with us on this.  IF you need a new number, call us!

Season tickets/gift cards:  Gift cards are just $25 and make great gifts, and they're good at both tracks!  Call today to order either item!

**The 2011 tax form is also posted under forms, if you want to stay ahead of things!!!!

Tips from the Tech staff:  To make your trip through tech for the first time this year, please have all of your safety gear with you.....be sure it's in good condition and within dates of expiration. 

We're now within a few weeks of opening...get to the practices, get your car teched, get some laps, and be ready to go for the openers.  WE WILL NOT WAIT FOR YOU TO GET THROUGH TECH!  If you have questions, please ask!  Here we go....

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