Bikers Raise Big Money for Kids at Toledo
Bikers Raise Big Money for Kids at Toledo

Over 1,500 participants mounted up on nearly 1,000 motorcycles on Sunday, Nov. 7 to benefit the Harbor Behavioral Healthcare facilities in Toledo. Bikers brought forth toys for kids and cash donations totaling over $15,000 at the 21stĀ annual event. Toledo Mayor Mike Bell and Lucas County Sheriff deputies on bikes led the procession, which departed from Toledo Speedway and traversed I-75, I-280 and downtown Toledo. In all, some 2,600 participants and spectators took part in the function, which ended its round trip at the Toledo Speedway Bar & Grill, where bikers enjoyed food provided by Gladieaux Catering and music provided by Josh Boyd. Event organizer Mike Wenzel of Toledo announced the Toy Run to benefit Harbor would again be held on the first Sunday of November in 2011 (the 6th) departing from Toledo Speedway, so mark your calendars now.